Insights From Gail

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Leadeship, Performance, Strategy Gail Golden Leadeship, Performance, Strategy Gail Golden

Leading in a time of uncertainty calls for individual connection

Leading is tough any time, but leading in a time of uncertainty makes it that much harder. Every business leader I talk with is struggling to plan for the coming weeks, with little chance to look ahead months or years. One key to getting a handle on these tumultuous times is making individual connections, and there are three leadership skills that can help.

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Leadership, Performance, Strategy Gail Golden Leadership, Performance, Strategy Gail Golden

‘Of Boys and Men’ and making positive changes for all

I approached a recent book recommendation with skepticism, but “Of Boys and Men,” by Richard Reeves, was a pleasant surprise. I was disturbed, however, to realize just how many men are floundering in their education, work life and family life. I’m also troubled by how many women react to this information with disbelief and/or hostility. We need positive changes for all.

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Leadership Gail Golden Leadership Gail Golden

Go placidly: Guidance for life and leadership in ‘Desiderata’

Times are stressful. It’s not the first time we have felt this way and it won’t be the last. Difficult periods make it tough to lead, but there are words and paths to guide us. I recently thought of the Max Ehrmann poem, Desiderata, which opens with, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.” Maybe you’ll find some inspiration there too.

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Strategy, Leadership Gail Golden Strategy, Leadership Gail Golden

Values matter: Why corporate culture is more than just a vibe

Corporate culture tends to be a vague, fuzzy set of principles — something created because you’re supposed to have it, not because you intend to follow it or allow it to make a difference. But if we insist that corporate culture provide guidance about how to resolve ethical dilemmas in the workplace, it becomes a useful tool and not just a vibe.

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