Insights From Gail
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What UChicago taught me best: Top 2 lessons that stuck
The top two lessons from my time at UChicago came early in my first year. These experiences were valuable and have served me well throughout my career.
Lessons from a TEDx talk and presenting with impact
Giving a TEDx talk didn’t just offer lessons and insights for audience members. Presenters, including myself, learned plenty from coaches and fellow presenters.
When you challenge your own thinking, you find room to grow
Becoming and being a successful business leader requires a willingness to talk with people who challenge your own thinking and offer another perspective. It’s possible, though not always easy, to engage respectfully with people who see the world differently.
When impostor syndrome strikes, it’s time to shift your perspective
Imposter syndrome: We’ve all read about it and experienced it. It’s that self-doubt about your skills or accomplishments. Maybe you worry about being viewed as a fraud, despite evidence to the contrary.
How do you get on a corporate board? Keep these key factors in mind
Many of my clients want to know how to get on a corporate board. There’s no easy answer, and the interest in joining a board is greater than the opportunity, especially for a publicly traded company. There are some key factors and strategies to keep in mind, though.
Curating your holidays can lead to more joy for you and loved ones
Holiday stress has an impact, much of it not good. As a former therapist and now a business coach, I know how stress affects lives. During the holidays, let’s find and focus on the joy. Check out my “Curating Your Life” approach to the holidays.
Think business coaches shouldn’t give advice? Think again
Listen, ask questions, and summarize. That’s the extent of a coach’s reach. Should a business coach offer advice? The International Coaching Federation says its “big on coaches being an empty vessel, merely exploring the client's world, provoking insights through curiosity, not advice-giving.” I have some other thoughts.
Find what moves you, but don’t fall prey to a dumb hustle
A client of mine taught me a great phrase, “dumb hustle.” We’ve all done this. We get very excited and busy working on a project that has almost no chance of success. It’s amazing how much time business leaders spend on dumb hustles. I think there are two main reasons.
Shifting styles: Why purpose-driven leadership tops the servant model
Servant leadership remains a very influential and widely practiced approach to leadership, but recently there’s been talk that it misses the mark. Some experts say it’s time for leaders to focus on impact, aka noble-purpose leadership.