Insights From Gail
Get solutions to your leadership challenges. Learn how to approach your company culture, employee engagement, and organizational performance through Gail Golden’s leadership blog.
How to have a better commute when return to office won’t wait
Return to office stress is likely more about the return to commuting. Yes, commutes can be stressful on our time and budgets, but here are 10 idea to make them better.
Say what? How to respond to rudeness in the workplace
Business etiquette never goes out of style, but not everyone has the social skills for success in business. So how would you respond to rudeness in the workplace? There are many nuances to Organizational Intelligence, but the fundamentals remain the same.
How to find a business coach using 8 incisive questions
Figuring out how to find a business coach comes down to asking some key questions, regardless of why you want a coach. When you follow these guidelines, you’re on the right path finding the right business coach.
Why coaching lessons from Wendy Rhoades of ‘Billions’ are priceless
“Billions” character Wendy Rhoades has multiple attributes that demonstrate why she is so good at her job as a performance coach.
The 10 best books for business leaders
I have read so many books by and for business leaders over the course of my career, there’s no way I could remember them all. I do, however, remember the best ones and recommend them often. See my list of the top 10 best books for business leaders here:
How to keep employees motivated when promotion isn’t an option
There’s a simple way managers can retain and motivate talented employees when promotion is not an option. But you have to be ready to hear it.
What one excellent employee can do for your brand reputation
Every time I go to Rome, I visit Bar Farnese. The coffee is top quality, but it’s one excellent employee whose skill and hospitality ensures that I return again and again.
How to learn sales as a natural extension of your job
Almost every business I’m working with is giving the same directive to their workforce: Everyone — and I mean everyone — has to start selling.