Thoughtful Fundraising

The American Cancer Society hosted a wonderful event in Chicago to launch their new Leadership Circle on May 22. The Tiffany store on Michigan Avenue provided a glittering setting for a gathering of Chicago’s women leaders. The participants enjoyed champagne, hors d’oeuvres, and good conversation, as at many other fundraising initiatives.

But this event was set apart by two elements. First, we heard from two women scientists who spoke with passion and authority about the importance of the ACS’s new initiative to increase screening rates for colorectal cancer in Illinois. Let’s face it – colorectal cancer is not a heart-warming subject. But the two scientists effectively communicated the importance and the urgency of the project.Second, there was absolutely no fund-raising at this event – no envelopes passed, no auction, no pledge cards. The only “ask” was for our contact information. Of course, I have no doubt that the ACS will follow up with requests for substantial financial support, as they should. But it was refreshing to walk away without feeling I had been shaken down.

Well done, ACS!

Gail Golden

As a psychologist and consultant for over twenty-five years, Gail Golden has developed deep expertise in helping businesses to build better leaders.

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